Panayiotis Palates

Commissioner For The Citizen
Office of the Commissioner for the Citizen
Curriculum Vitae of the New Commissioner of the Citizen, Mr. Panagiotis Palates Mr. Panagiotis Palates was born in Nicosia in 1985. He graduated from the Archangelos High School and fulfilled his military service as a Reserve Second Lieutenant of the Infantry. He pursued his studies at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Ioannina, where he earned a degree in Archaeology. He furthered his academic qualifications by completing his postgraduate studies at the University of Strasbourg (Université de Strasbourg) in France, in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Sciences Humaines et Sociales). Concurrently, he engaged in academic research within specialized areas of the humanities, contributing with publications and presentations at international conferences. He worked as a scientific collaborator in academic research programs and archaeological excavation projects in Greece and Jordan, specifically in Ithaca, the Necromanteion of Ephyra, and Tel Kafrein, respectively, where he served as the head of excavation sectors. Subsequently, he served as a Scientific Collaborator at the House of Representatives and, most recently, as an Advisor to the President of the Republic. Mr. Palates has been actively involved in public affairs, both in the student movement and within the local community. In Ioannina, he served as the President of the Student Movement “Anagennese,” and in Nicosia, as the District Organizational Secretary of the Democratic Party, later advancing to the position of Deputy General Organizational Secretary and member of the Central Committee of DIKO. He is married to Myrto Ktena Palate and is the father of Kyriakos, aged 9, and Beatrice, aged 5.