Josie Christodoulou


Josie Christodoulou

Commissioner for Gender Equality
Office of the Commissioner for Gender Equality

Josie Christodoulou is the Cyprus Commissioner for Gender Equality. Her mandate includes, inter alia, the coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the National Strategy for Gender Equality with the aim of mainstreaming gender horizontally in government policy. She is an expert on women’s rights, the promotion of gender equality including gender and migration, and trafficking in human beings. She worked as a Policy Coordinator at the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS), served as a board member of the Cyprus Women’s Lobby and contributed in the creation of the European Network of Migrant Women in Brussels. She collaborated with European Commission and Council of Europe groups of experts on issues related to the combatting of trafficking in human beings. As advisor to the Foreign Minister, she developed and implemented the Framework of Action on gender mainstreaming in Foreign Policy of the Ministry. She studied Psychology (BA) and Racial Equality Studies (MA) and speaks Greek and English.